Geometric Sounds

The purpose of this project was to create a 30-second video and practice creating shapes in Adobe After Effects while lining them up with the beat of the song we have chosen.

Geometric Sound Story Board

Kinetic Typoraphy

The purpose of this project was to take a line from a movie or TV show and use typography and animation to show what is happening in the scene.

The Narrative

The purpose of this project was to create a 30-second story using a mix of illustrations, stock images, and stock videos. The story I created was of a little girl going to pick flowers in a field for someone she loves.

Title Sequence

The purpose of this project was to find a title sequence in a movie we love that could be better and make it our own. The title sequence I chose was from the movie 101 Dalmations that was made in 1996. The animated 101 Dalmation’s title sequence was always a favorite of mine, and I thought the live-action movie should reflect some of it.

Original Version

Updated Version


Doane University Environmental Sciences